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Archy: AI Agile Assistant for Jira - Release Notes

Version: 1.2.0

Release Date: 24th April 2024

This is an important release filled with many new possibilities and life improvements! We have added Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and also fixed some bugs that users have reported.

For this version current Archy users need to manually click “Update” within the “manage your apps” section in Jira.

New Features

Role Based Access Control (RBAC):

  • Using Jira or Archy custom permissions, you can now control the users access to Archy features.
  • Users who have the Edit Issues permission can use the Archy Issue Assistant and Archy Acceptance Criteria Features.
  • Users who have the Create Issues permission can finish the PBI setups to save issues to Jira.
  • Users who have the Generate Insights permission can Generate and Delete insights.
  • Users who have the Administrator permissions can access and trigger every Archy feature.
  • PBI Setups can now be set to Public or Private to allow or prevent other non-admin users to access or edit your PBI setups.
  • Owner of PBI setup is now displayed in the action history.


  • Fixed bug that prevented settings to be shown when creating a new project.
  • Fixed bug where the insights would be loading infinitely until reloading the page.
  • Fixed bug allowing users to click the Aia regenerate description button multiple times which caused an error.
  • Fixed bug that didnt fetch the generated Project Summary properly until the user reloaded the page.


Version: 1.1.4

Archy: AI Agile Assistant for Jira – Release Notes Version: 1.1.4Release Date: 30th March 2024 In this release

Initial Release

​Archy: AI Agile Assistant for Jira – Release Notes   Version: 1.1.0Release Date: 05th February 2024 We are